Thursday, October 18, 2007

Breast-Cancer Mitigation

Something you'll not hear from the otherwise well-intentioned folks who are talking about breast-cancer prevention:

...there is one factor that significantly decreases chances of developing breast cancer that has received little or no media attention: having babies, early and often, says Dr. Miriam Grossman, M.D.

Not only is early pregnancy (by early, we’re talking about before age 35) rarely if ever listed among the factors decreasing risk of breast cancer, Dr. Grossman reveals that efforts to inform women about the risks associating with delaying pregnancy have in the past been squelched by a group supposedly committed to bettering women’s lives: the National Organization for Women. (AKA: the Nat'l Ass'n of Gals--or NAGs)

So this month, you can help raise awareness about breast cancer by telling women you know what some liberal feminists would rather they not hear: that having children early and breastfeeding them can be a natural and effective way to lower chances of developing the devastating disease.

HT: Ignatius Scoop


  1. Thank you so much for your wonderful blog entry about Miriam Grossman, M.D. and her column, “Want Protection from Breast Cancer? Have Some Babies.” It is true, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and those in the health industry should be mentioning ALL of the ways to help lower the risk of breast cancer, including those that may not seem to fit political correct standards. Fortunately, we have Dr. Grossman to help provide critical information that otherwise tends to get left out.

    Since the release of her book, "Unprotected: A Campus Psychiatrist Reveals How Political Correctness in Her Profession Endangers Every Student", Dr. Grossman has been on hundreds of radio talk shows, television shows such as Pat Robertson’s 700 Club, and her work has received positive reviews in The Wall Street Journal, The Weekly Standard, and Newsweek.

    In addition to being a successful author and psychiatrist at UCLA, Dr. Grossman is also a Senior Fellow at the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, whose mission is to prepare women for effective leadership and to promote leading conservative women. The Institute provides educational, networking, and mentoring opportunities for conservative women across the country, advancing ideas that are pro-America, pro-free enterprise, pro-religion, and pro-family.

    I invite you to visit the Institute’s website at In addition, Dr. Grossman’s website is


    Melissa Mullins

    Marketing Assistant, Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute

  2. Fibrocystic Breast Disease, the Iodine Deficiency Connection

    A good friend of ours just went through an ordeal with breast cancer. The incidence of breast cancer has increased to 1 in 8 women, with 4,000 new cases weekly.

    You might ask, could there be a preventive measure which is safe, cheap and widely available that has been overlooked?

    The answer is YES , and it�s the essential mineral, Iodine, which was added to table salt in 1924 as part of a national program to prevent Goiter. It turns out that this same Iodine in table salt is the key to breast cancer prevention as proposed by the following list of prestigious doctors:

    Guy Abraham, MD, Robert Derry MD PHD, David Brownstein MD, George Flechas MD, Donald Miller, M.D.

    Dr. B.A. Eskin published 80 papers over 30 years researching iodine and breast cancer, and he reports that iodine deficiency causes breast cancer and thyroid cancer in humans and animals. Iodine deficiency is also known to cause a pre-cancerous condition called fibrocystic breast disease.

    W.R. Ghent published a paper in 1993 which showed iodine supplementation works quite well to reverse and resolve fibrocystic changes of the breast, and this is again the subject of a current clinical study.(Can J Surg. 1993 Oct;36(5):453-60.)

    Despite its obvious potential, not much has been done with Iodine treatment over the past 40 years in the United States. Since iodine isn't patentable and is therefore unlikely to be profitable to market, there is no money to fund studies for �FDA approval". However, FDA approval is not required since Iodine is already an additive to table salt at the supermarket.

    For more information see my newsletter.

    Jeffrey Dach MD
    my web site
