Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Solemn Pontifical Mass for Motu Proprio

This is a reminder:

In thanksgiving for the Motu Proprio, a Solemn Pontifical High Mass will be celebrated by H.E. Jos. Perry at St. Stanislaus Parish, Friday evening September 14th, at 7:00 PM.

St. Stan's is located on the NW corner of 5th/Mitchell Streets, Milwaukee. There is a parking lot to the rear of the church, and plenty of on-street parking available as well.

If you are allergic to incense, bring allergy-control meds.


  1. Thanks for the reminder. This High Mass is not listed in the events column of the Archdiocesan website.

  2. I asked why it was not listed and got an answer about needing to be sponsored by the archdiocese, parish or school. I replied saying it was, but no response. It is still not listed.
