Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Election of 2008--More Than Just a President

For some, November of '08 will decide the Presidency for a while. (Well, maybe January of '09, after multiple recounts of the Flori-duh returns.)

But it ain't just a President. It's also a whole new Cabinet, including an Attorney General.

Here's a reminder of the civil liberties record, courtesy Ann Coulter:

Civilians killed by Ashcroft: 0
Civilians killed by Gonzales: 0
Civilians killed by Reno: 80

Innocent people put in prison by Ashcroft: 0
Innocent people put in prison by Gonzales: 0
Innocent people put in prison by Reno: At least 1 that I know of

Number of obvious civil rights violations ignored by Ashcroft: 0
Number of obvious civil rights violations ignored by Gonzales: 0
Number of obvious civil rights violations ignored by Reno: at least 1

You get the drift.

Recall the line from Jiminy Cricket's song: "...makes no difference who you are....Anyone the Dems want gone will dis-ap-pear!!!" (Well, maybe that's not the lyric, exactly)

1 comment:

  1. Field Marshal Janet El Reño. You know she'd be front and center in a Hitlary administration.
