Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Traddies and the Motu Proprio

David Alexander mentions the 'professional ululator-class': the "traddies" who now insist that there should be dozens of Old Rite Masses offered every Sunday in every Diocese in the land.

...These malcontents can be found in blogs and their comments boxes throughout the Catholic blogosphere. To read some of the whining going on, they genuinely expect every diocese in the known world to completely arrange their schedules and priestly resources, in the space of two months, on the possibility that enough of them will grace with their presence, a location other than their home parish. Oh, and that they'll stop complaining.

Actually, David, they won't stop complaining.

They'll talk about the "requirement" for three steps leading to the altar, the requirement for a Communion rail, the requirement that there be a suitable (read: loft) position for the choir...

It goes on and on....


  1. Oh, there are so many rules in Catholicism....I guess that is why some leave to start their own deals(sarcasm).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cerebella, I don't know to whom your comment was directed--but it's not likely that you're actually OLDER than I am.

    If you are, my compliments!

    But I'm sure that we can swap stories...

  4. "David Gregory." Never thought of myself that way. I like it.

    Actually, Dad, she was addressing me. And she's right, you know. But you see, I made a decision to focus on an aspect of implementing this decree that has been largely overlooked, but which if ignored, could prolong the agony of those who would honor Catholic tradition. This would include me, by the way.

    Meanwhile, there has been no shortage of bandwidth at "St Blog's" devoted to the mishandling of this decree by some bishops. Even I attempted to do justice to the problem, as an aside to my main focus. Obviously it wasn't enough. As a result, I'll get no end of grief for it.

    But for now, my work is done.

    By the way, someone asked how old I was. I don't mind admitting it. I'll be 53 on Childermas Day this year. So I remember how it was "back in the day." FWIW.

  5. David--sorry it took so long to make the correction.

    But think of all the phone calls you did NOT get as a result!
