Friday, April 27, 2007

"Diplomatic" Resolution of the Gun Question

This twit bills himself as a "retired diplomat." Evidently service in the US State Department does not require knowledge of the US Constitution (surprise!) However, this essay does reflect "European laws" favored by such intellectualoids as Justice Breyer.

LAST week's tragedy at Virginia Tech in which a mentally disturbed person gunned down 32 of America's finest - intelligent young people with futures ahead of them - once again puts the phenomenon of an armed society into focus for Americans.

...When people talk about doing something about guns in America, it often comes down to this: "How could America disarm even if it wanted to? There are so many guns out there."

...I don't have any problem with hunting, although blowing away animals with high-powered weapons seems a pointless, no-contest affair to me. I suppose I would enjoy the fellowship of the experience with other friends who are hunters.

(Umnnnhhh...they're 'high-powered' to help ensure that the animal dies with one shot. There's nothing more cruel than half-killing an animal.)

Now, how would one disarm the American population? First of all, federal or state laws would need to make it a crime punishable by a $1,000 fine and one year in prison per weapon to possess a firearm. The population would then be given three months to turn in their guns, without penalty.

One would also need a brain-dead majority on SCOTUS...

Hunters would be able to deposit their hunting weapons in a centrally located arsenal, heavily guarded, from which they would be able to withdraw them each hunting season upon presentation of a valid hunting license. The weapons would be required to be redeposited at the end of the season on pain of arrest. When hunters submit a request for their weapons, federal, state, and local checks would be made to establish that they had not been convicted of a violent crime since the last time they withdrew their weapons. In the process, arsenal staff would take at least a quick look at each hunter to try to affirm that he was not obviously unhinged.

"Arsenal staff" would be qualified pshrinks, eh?

The disarmament process would begin after the initial three-month amnesty. Special squads of police would be formed and trained to carry out the work. Then, on a random basis to permit no advance warning, city blocks and stretches of suburban and rural areas would be cordoned off and searches carried out in every business, dwelling, and empty building. All firearms would be seized. The owners of weapons found in the searches would be prosecuted: $1,000 and one year in prison for each firearm.

I suppose that the brain-dead SCOTUS (above) could erase the 4th Amendment, too, while they're at it...

Dan Simpson, a retired diplomat, is a member of the editorial boards of The Blade and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

It's probably unfair to ridicule this poor fellow. His writings serve the purpose.

HT: Captain's Quarters


  1. Great column Dad. I guess I'd be one that would have to resist such measures. Besides, if we got to that point in this Country, it wouldn't be the U.S. anymore anyway.

  2. Actually, it is fair to ridicule this Goron. Left unchallenged, he'll turn us into New Zealand.
