Thursday, March 29, 2007

"No Crisis", and No Solution Except State Dollars?

Nothing Ald. Donovan suggests will be useful--unless someone else pays for it:

Mayor Tom Barrett said that many of Donovan's ideas are things already being done by the city, or for which he has already approached the state for help.

The City of Milwaukee's spending priorities are simple: 1) Get the money from the State or the Feds; 2) Spend it. 3) If we don't get money from the State or the Feds, BLAME THEM for the problems!!


1 comment:

  1. Ya know, I am so tired of money entering the conversation on Milwaukee's problems. Money could rain on the city and it still wouldn't solve the problems. The city needs leadership in the neighborhoods, in the police department, in city hall, and in the mayor's office. It has none of that. The city just might be the finger pointing capital of the country, though.
