Thursday, March 29, 2007

Habemus Rector!

Abp. Dolan announced that Fr. Don Hying will be the Rector of the Milwaukee Seminary (St. Francis Major.)

Calling him “a splendid parish priest and a man of learning,” Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan announced that Fr. Donald J. Hying will become rector of Saint Francis Seminary July 1.

Fr. Hying, 43, will succeed Fr. Michael Witczak, who has been rector since December 2001. Fr. Witczak will return to teaching and/or research in liturgy and sacraments at a yet-to-be-determined school.

HT: Provincial Emails

I've heard nothing but good things about Fr. Hying. This assignment is a major challenge, and the long knives will be out. Pray for him.


  1. Fr Hying is a holy and good man. He used to be at Old St Anthony on Mitchell street with Fr Larry Dulek. Fr Don is very devoted to Our Lady, he is very smart, and I hope he is able to train some good priests in the old rite.


  2. Father Larry Dulek is a great priest and I really miss him doing parish service. Archbishop Dolan should let him service any of our parish again. He is a truth Pastor of our Church.

  3. The Abp. will do what is best for the Church.

    I, too, enjoyed Fr. Dulek; but he's been removed.

  4. Fr. Larry was my spiritual director for many years and I also wish do to something about get in him back to serve any of our parish even out side of Milwaukee. The hispanic comunity really love him a lot. It wasn't his fault of been removed. He is a great leader of the church.


  5. As a matter of fact, Fr. Dulek's removal WAS his fault.

    I liked the guy, too, but there are some things that cannot be tolerated.

    1. Why was Fr Dukes removed? I always wondered that.


  7. Father Larry celebrated my first communion, and my wedding. A great man/priest. Who of us can say we are without sin. I wish there was a way to get in touch with him again.
