Friday, March 23, 2007

AlGore's Speech, in Synopsis

From BlameBush!!:

The time has come to cleanse ourselves of our capitalistic sins and save the earth from total obliteration, - but it won’t be easy, Gore assures us. Preserving the future for our children will involve tough choices and personal sacrifice. Most importantly it will require tax increases, wealth restribution, government control of production, and the abandonment of the free market system – by sheer coincidence, the exact same things liberal democrats have been calling for since before global warming was ever an issue. It would be sheer madness, then, for Repugs to continue to stand against such bold initiatives now that the scientific consensus is that we're all going to die unless we do exactly as Al Gore says.

So there's really no point in debating it any further.

See? It's simple.

1 comment:

  1. You know, when you come right down to it, AlGore is more full of shit than God is of mercy.
