Friday, February 16, 2007

Darth to Reverse Wisconsin Growth

Nope. This has nothing to do with Darth's plan to tax Wisconsin into the Third World.

This has to do with shutting down power plants and scrapping your car.

Following California's lead, Rep. Spencer Black wants Wisconsin to do its part to address global warming by setting standards to reduce the state's greenhouse emissions by roughly 25 percent.

Black, D-Madison, announced this morning he plans to introduce legislation that would require that greenhouse emissions be reduced to 1990 levels by 2029.

He said the main sources of greenhouse gases in Wisconsin are power plants, especially coal-powered plants. But whatever plan is developed to reduce emissions could also include such measures as stricter emission standards for cars and incentives to purchase vehicles that run on bio-based fuels, which don't contribute to global warming.

...Gov. Jim Doyle is supportive of Black's bill.

Fortunately, adults control the Assembly.


  1. I don't suppose that Black included a repeal of the ban on new nuclear generation in his proposal.

  2. Eeeks, preview of the next Democratic national adminisration.

  3. Given Black's apparently solid-granite cranial filling, he'd be almost radioactive enough to gin up some power.

    Nope. no nukes. Just darkness and void in the land.
