Saturday, January 13, 2007

Mitt Romney: Gutter-Player

We've mentioned before that Mitt Romney is 1) NOT a Conservative and 2) a Flip/Flop artist--much like another Massachussetts pol with Presidential aspirations.

Here's another example:

Is this what we can expect from Mitt Romney’s campaign?

The pro-family group MassResistance has been publicizing its claim that Romney is not the social conservative he claims, giving evidence from his shaky record as Massachusetts governor.
Rather than reply on substance, Romney’s campaign starts by going straight for the gutter,...

In fact, it all portrays Camenker as an extremist, which in this context is how all pro-lifers and pro-marriage advocates are portrayed.

Wonder how long it will take before Romney realizes that he's not really a player in this election?

HT: Dom Bet


  1. What examples from Romney's actual record can you point out that indicate he's drastically shifted positions. He has admitted that he has changed positions on some issues in the past 12 years, but he has never contradicted himself in terms of legislation.

    Also, since when are you against people changing their minds to become more conservative? Should any Republican who voted for Democrats when he was 18 be a "flip-flopper"? You aren't born knowing the right side of every issue. . .

  2. Umnnnnhhhh...

    Romney has not only changed his mind on issues such as abortion--he's also brazenly and wantonly ILLEGALLY ordered town clerks to issue "licenses" for gay marriage.

    But the issue is not really his pandering. The issue is how he decided to handle his critics.

    Gutter ball is not a good choice.

  3. Keep the straight scoop comin' daddy-o!

  4. Who is your hero for 2008, Daddy-Zero? Please tell me it is Sam Brownback (is that his name)? If he wins the nomination, the Democrats could nominate a dead man -- or woman -- and the deceased candidate would win.

  5. Yah, Brownback is interesting.

    All the rest of the (R) wannabees won't make it through the primaries.
