Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Eugene Kane Goes to Washington

Not really. But his spirit lives there!

"Freshman Rep. Stephen I. Cohen, D-Tenn., is not joining the Congressional Black Caucus after several current and former members made it clear that a white lawmaker was not welcome."

Cohen isn't black. However, the Congressman he replaced - Harold "I like sports and I like girls" Ford - was, and his district, in Memphis, is 60% black, and his staff is majority African-American. That clearly just isn't good enough, though.

..."Half my Democratic constituents were African-American. I felt we had interests in common as far as helping people in poverty," said Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA), who attempted to join the caucus in 1975. "They had a vote, and I lost. They said the issue was that I was white, and they felt it was important that the group be limited to African-Americans."

And the Congressional Black Caucus has made it very clear who is not invited, either now or ever: White people.

HT: Redstate Conservative.

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