Thursday, October 19, 2006

McCabe: A Slime-Coated Jackass

There are definitely better words to describe Mr. McCabe and his group of twits, but there are other venues which are more appropriate.

The Slime-Coated Jackass has now filed a complaint against the Roman Catholic Diocese of Madistan:

A [self-inflated self-anointed] watchdog group accused the Catholic Diocese of Madison of failing to publicly disclose its attempts to influence a Nov. 7 referendum on gay marriage.

The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign asked the state Elections Board to take enforcement action against the diocese for failing to register its activities in support of a proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and civil unions.

The group cited a flier prepared by the diocese and distributed outside a Catholic church in Madison.

"A YES vote upholds the Catholic teaching that marriage is a union between a man and a woman," the flier said.

"We've got disclosures for a reason in this state," McCabe told 27 News.

"The public deserves to know who's trying to sway the vote on any issue, on any campaign."

McCabe asserts that State law requires "registration" of any group spending more than $25.00 to promote a position on an amendment to the Constitution. IF he is correct, the law should be changed, right now, to exempt churches.

Somehow, however, McCabe managed to miss this one:

But William Bartz, pastor of Monona Oaks Community Church, said he doubted the registration requirement applies to churches. He has urged his members to vote for the amendment and left letters urging its passage at hundreds of homes.

The theory that "registration" creates "clean campaigns" is ridiculous--except for pompous asses like McCabe and other such examples (Feingold (D-AlQuaeda) comes to mind.) One needs look no further than "registered" groups such as McCabe's bunch. Exactly WHO contributes to THEM? (hint: it's a secret)

HT: York (whose take is far more humorous than mine)

1 comment:

  1. They are coming after us bloggers next. Betcha McCabe makes the case that we spend more than is legally allowed on campaigns and advocacy of candidates and positions and as such have to register with the State Elections Board and wind up facing fines.
