Saturday, August 26, 2006

Local Banker and the Illegals

The Catholic Herald prints a story about Terry Maloney of the Mitchell Bank.

About 300-350 transactions for “undocumented migrants” occur monthly at Mitchell Bank, according to chairman, James Maloney. These transactions are part of the only trial program in Milwaukee, with the Federal Reserve, to send money directly from the United States to people in Mexico.

Maloney gave a speech (herein called a "lecture," which captured its tone better) on the issue:

The lecture was titled “Undocumented Migrants: A Judeo-Christian Response” and it focused primarily on how Maloney thinks Christians should look to “the wisdom of the Catholic Church” to find answers and “transcend simple, nativist positions,” taken in the hotly debated immigration reform issue.

One can infer that Maloney does not intend to make friends with people who are concerned about illegal immigrants--no matter WHAT their reasoning.

Maloney...said Republican Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner’s recent legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives, on immigration reform goes against Catholic social justice teaching.

A position which he utterly failed to document, by the way.

Maloney said he is no foreigner to immigration issues, as his bank — established in 1907 in the Mitchell Street neighborhood on Milwaukee’s south side, in the midst of Irish and Polish immigrant populations — is now home to about 70 to 80 percent Latinos.

The comparison is invalid, but that didn't bother Maloney.

“I believe Sensenbrenner’s goal is to make life so intolerable that (undocumented migrants) must leave,” said Maloney, adding that the U.S. bishops say, “People have a right to seek out other places where they find decent conditions for human life, even in the case of illegal immigration.”

Maloney described the story of Abraham and Sarah attending to a stranger, which appears in Leviticus, to illustrate his position. He further cited the Gospel of Matthew, saying, “for I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”

The fact that John Paul II stipulated that 'illegal immigration should be prevented' was ignored by Maloney. The US Bishops' statement is not founded on Catholic social teaching when it seems to condone illegal activity. USCC/NCCB (the US Bishops' gaggle in Washington) makes a lot of "statements"--some of which are patently ludicrous.

This news story does not come close to revealing the vituperative attacks on Jim Sensenbrenner which Maloney unleashed during his 'lecture,' nor the other remarks he made which displayed a thoroughly condescending attitude towards those who happen to think that borders exist for a reason.

Unfortunately, Maloney makes this into a "black/white" issue with his intemperate language. During his 'lecture' Maloney did offer an interesting factoid (which may be true)--that is, that only 10,000 unskilled Mexicans are legally allowed into the US every year.

Thinking people may opine that 10,000/year is an exceptionally low number. Mr. Maloney will need more friends than the Federal Reserve and his customer base when he argues that increasing the legal number is imperative.

He should speak accordingly.

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