Friday, August 18, 2006

Cheech and Chong: (D) Candidates for AG

Peg "the Keg" Lautenschlaeger may be the one of the worst AG's in Wisconsin history, but her competitor, Kate-the-Doyenne-of-Dane is a threat to her standing:

A Kathleen Falk for Attorney General mailer arrives today and the following sentence is worth noting. “There is no office more important when it comes to protecting our environment, our rights, our communities, our families and our future.

Anyone who writes understands that priorities are expressed by 'ordering' within a sentence or paragraph. In this case, Kate 'orders' the functions of AG as "environment" followed by "rights." Insofar as it is a campaign mailer, it can't be a thoughtless error as one might make in response to a reporter's question.

Moreover, it shows a philosophical vacuity, or worse. Most thinking people understand that their 'rights' INCLUDE a reasonably clean 'environment.' This flows from a proper understanding of the order of Nature, evidently not present in the mind of Kate.

The analysis of Random10 is dead-on.

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