Tuesday, July 25, 2006

BagMan Jim Doyle: A Loser in Europe, Too

Via JunkYardBlog we learn that the EU has ALSO banned embryonic stem-cell research, which tells us that Jim Doyle is now pitted against virtually all of Western civilization:

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union agreed on Monday to permit limited use of EU funds for research involving human embryonic stem cells provided it does not entail destroying embryos, preserving the status quo.

EU president Finland said the compromise would ban allocating EU cash for research that involves destroying human embryos, including for the procurement of stem cells.

Extracting the human embryonic stem cells entails destroying the embryo, a step churches and some ethics campaigners say is tantamount to murder.

But ministers agreed after hours of haggling that the EU could fund research into "subsequent steps" involving human embryonic stem cells discarded by fertility clinics.

Oh well, Jim. There's always Communist China.

1 comment:

  1. Suppose good old Jim 'SuperDome' Doyle can't afford to by the EU eh? Wow...there's a surprise...
    I started a tumultuous, windmilling slide into a fit of disgust before the ink dried on the harlequin's very first veto. Needless to say, we are not amused...

    Can not wait for the opportunity to show that asshat the door...
