Friday, June 30, 2006

Does "Academic Freedom" Include Lies?

Jessica got the story to go Statewide; Steve Nass (R-Whitewater) has asked the UW-System to review the status of Kevin Barrett, Certified Moonbat and lecturer, UW-Madison and Edgewood College. (Of the two, it's a horse-race for moonbat-comfort-levels, but that's another story.)

Kudos to Jess for her success.

But there's more: today she picks apart the BS (a nasty job, eh?) in the JSOnline story--and there's a lot of it.


David Walsh, president of the UW System Board of Regents, said Barrett should be able to share his views in the classroom."Unless he's yelling fire in a crowded theater, we need to be careful to protect his academic freedom," Walsh said.

I suppose that Walsh is being careful--most likely he has no idea what's going on here (endemic to UW Regents.) On the other hand, President Walsh, let's ask the question: is "academic freedom" the freedom to postulate fantasy?


  1. Dad, the answer is yes, if the administration agrees with your views. Or at least hates the sitting pres.

  2. Well, ecbutthead--PROVE that any of my McCarthy post was "fantasy."

    You know, documentation.

    You have until July 5th.

  3. ec--what's to "debate" in your first response?

    All the items on McCarthy are absolutely true, and documented--not just by Anne Coulter, but by M. Stanton Evans; and of course, all that research came from the original sources.

    On the other hand, all you bring to the table is "the judgment of history," which history was largely written by the Left; hardly un-biased.

    However, you DO demonstrate again that the Left's case of "projection" is serious when you accuse me of "I can't hear you" pouting.

    Still looking for your refutation of the post's ERRORS--not your whine.
