Thursday, May 25, 2006

Keg Lift-Und-Schlepp-Em Buys Her Next Job

Un-friggin' believable!!

On second thought--maybe not.

Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager has taken money directly from a state settlement with a pharmaceutical company and has given it in the form of grants to a bunch of health care organizations…

[T]he largest grant, ($50K!!!!) some five times larger than the grants for well established health care companies like Covenant and Race for the Cure, went to Wisconsin Citizen Action...

Excuse me for asking, but what does WiCitAct have to do with "health care?" When did this bunch of maggot-infested dope-smoking hippie wonzos EVER get involved with health care (other than, perhaps, self-admistering ampicillin to know.)

Looks like Peggy read the tea leaves in her polling. Wanna guess where she's working after November?

HT: BadgerBlogger


  1. excuse me for asking, but where the heck is the msm on this one????
    Summer vacation,already?

  2. excuse me for asking, but where the heck is the msm on this one????
    Summer vacation,already?

  3. SOME activities are simply not reported upon.
