Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Campus Librarian Charged by Wet-Pants Crowd

You've read about the Ohio State University librarian who recommends a controversial book to incoming freshmen--the book, entitled The Marketing of Evil, tells a counter-"cultural" tale on Al Kinsey, perhaps the single most influential polymorphous pervert in the history of the world.

So the poor librarian gets taught a lesson by some creature who has an interesting job:

Assistant Professor Norman Jones (who teaches a course in "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender literature") said: "The anti-gay book Scott Savage endorses falsely claims that 'the widely revered father of the "sexual revolution" has been irrefutably exposed as a full-fledged sexual psychopath who encouraged pedophilia.' This is a factually untrue characterization of Dr. Kinsey and his work on every point ... I am frankly embarrassed for you, Scott, that you would endorse this kind of homophobic tripe."

Another professor who obviously is educated far beyond his intelligence lends the following closely-reasoned attack:

Associate Professor J.F. Buckley (author of such gems as "The Social Critic: The Rise of Queer Performance Within the Demise of Transcendentalism"), who wrote:

Rather than waste your time with the paucity of intellectual rigor that Kupelian [the author of the book in question] brings to the table, I encourage you to visit his
website, and see for yourself his unmitigated homophobia and xenophobia. In short, he is a pontificating, phobic, cultural atavism bemoaning the loss of an (Anglo) America that only existed on such shows as "The Lone Ranger." ...

As a gay man I have long ago realized that the world is full of homophobic, hate-mongers who, of course, say that they are not. So I am not shocked, only deeply saddened – and THREATENED – that such mindless folks are on this great campus.

If all this sounds vaguely familiar, see my post below on Dan O'Connell...


  1. How is it that Conservative Righties can write derogatory, inflammatory, and discriminatory ramblings in the name of Freedom of Speech and Religion but as soon as the targets of said words counter with arguments of equal rights, the authors themselves cry of being victims on a war against Christianity? I've never understood why this country is so obsessed with what gay people ( a small percentage of the population, mind you) do as consenting adults when this country is so desperate of actions that Jesus himself would have sponsored and rallied behind: homelessness, poverty, abuse of the elderly and children, and plight of the poor. My opinion is, "If you don't like what Gay people do, don't do it. Outside of that, you, as a straight person have no reason to show such fanatic fascination with what this minority does behind closed doors." Or is there some other reason you feel the need to follow this minoroties every movement?

  2. Actually, it's the homosexuals who are obsessive about what homosexuals do--they obsess over obtaining the blessing of society.

    If the idiot profs at OSU had kept their damn mouths shut, this would NOT be a news story.

    But they obsessed. Now YOU obsess.

    But you knew that...

  3. actually the homosexuals dont want the "blessing of society"..they just want equal rights. Is that too much to ask?

  4. Equal rights for what, specifically?
