Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Bp Bruskewitz ...Interviewed

From The Wanderer, via Bettnet: (excerpts)

Q. In the Dallas meeting of 2002, you recommended a study of the true causes of the sex-abuse scandals. Your resolution addressed homosexuality and the traditional teaching of the Church on moral issues.Why do you think you received so little support?

A. I don’t know, except possibly a fear of offending a powerful constituency. I don’t think there’s any doubt that, in many dioceses, colleges, and universities, the homosexual attitude is very powerful. After all, the abuse crisis is a homosexual issue, not a pedophile issue, involving adolescent boys. That seems to be corroborated by the information that the bishops’ conference itself has gathered. That’s why the bishops wanted to delay the document from the Congregation for Catholic Education on admitting homosexuals in the seminaries. I don’t think homosexuals belong in the priesthood.

Not only a "powerful" constituency, Excellency--it's also an entrenched and embedded one...

Q. Why do you object to pro-abortion Catholics serving on the lay board? Aren’t a lot of prominent Catholics supporters of partial-birth abortion? Don’t they deserve representation too?

A. It’s a standing disgrace that some of these people who call themselves Catholic don’t understand the heinous evil that they support. That we should give them a position of prominence in the Church is an outrage.

As to "altar girls,"

But, as I’ve said many times, if I see a diocese, chiefly because of altar girls, with convents overflowing with novices, and hundreds of priests being ordained, then I’ll change my mind. In the meantime, we’ll just continue in the old traditional way.

Perhaps I'm presumptious--but I suspect if Bp B. saw another Diocese which ordained 25 men and had 50 novices 'due chiefly to altar girls,' he'd OK that little expression of PC for Lincoln.

He's not holding his breath, though...

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