Saturday, March 11, 2006

Texas Pete Chimes In

Pete's already figured out that the name-calling is getting a bit thick--and The Amendment's only been on the table for what, 5 days...

Only problem I have with Pete's post is this: he said that "society has defined" marriage...

Not quite.

It was defined long before "society" affirmed it. There's a big difference between writing the rules and copying the writings.

Having said that, Pete's right. Mentaire's already decided that Ovadahl and I are kindred spirits, which might make Ovadahl VERY angry, because I'm a Papist.

...and I am not the threat Mentaire has to worry about.


  1. Point taken on society defining. I understand what you are saying. It was that way before America was discovered, let alone founded.

  2. I cleaned up the wording in that part of the post so it may be a little clearer as well.
