Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The GOP "Suits" vs. K. Harris

From the Prowler/American Spectator blog:

National Review Online is reporting that they hear Rep. Katherine Harris does not intend to step out of the Florida Senate race, and to underscore that point, she will resign from the House.
They only have part of the story, according to Harris sources we speak to. Late last week, Harris was approached by both senior Senate Republicans and intermediaries from the White House about stepping out of the race for the good of party.

According to one Senate official we spoke to, Harris very bluntly told them to forget about it. When told they had strong interest from a well-known, respected former Florida elected official in jumping in, her response was that she welcomed the competition. When they responded that the GOP would begin to make fundraising more difficult, she revealed nary a frown.

To underscore that point, Harris told them that she would resign her House seat and privately finance her Senate campaign. If that "major announcement" is to come, we hear it is going to be that she is taking her campaign private, putting her money where her mouth is and focusing on the race full time.

That may not be the wisest investment, but then her spunk was never in doubt.

I just love that "let the best person win" philosophy in the GOP. Sorta reminds you of the Tim Michels race, eh? Remember, the "wise men" preferred Russ Darrow, or even Bob Welsh (R-Archer-Daniels-Midland.)

1 comment:

  1. #1 rule of campaigning: never, ever self-finance the majority of your campaign. for one reason, you have a much lower number of people who actually have a vested interest in your race. for another thing, you'll probably lose (97% of challengers do), and it's not worth the risk of your life savings. spread it out among hundreds of donors rather than taking it all on yourself.

    but, Katherine Harris will do her thing and no one will tell her how, so what the heck am I doing trying?
