Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Catholic Herald and Accuracy

The Catholic Herald newspaper reports that 'a few' letters were received asking that the age of Confirmation in this Archdiocese be changed.

As many recall, the age of Confirmation was moved from (roughly) 12 years of age (6th/7th grade) to 16 years (10th/11th grade) during the reign of Rembert Weakland, OSB. This was justified on the basis that the Confirmands would be "more mature" in their Faith.

Well, then, out comes the Canon Law, which specifies "the age of discretion," certainly meaning chronologically less than 16 years (with a few exceptions, I suppose.)

So "a few" letters were sent.

Well, not exactly a "few." Actually, over 1200 (one thousand, two hundred) signatures were on petitions which were circulated and sent to the Puzzle Palace at 3501 S. Lake Drive.

As The Provincial Emails reports, (quoting a letter to the Herald):

We attended the "study day" on January 28 and were surprised to discover that most of the 230 participants were somehow involved in catechetics, either as parish catechists or directors of religious education. The majority appeared to be in favor of keeping the confirmation age at 16.


Unfortunately, most families were not aware that these meetings were scheduled, as the only notice we saw in the Catholic Herald was a small article on page 15 of the Jan. 19 edition, and we are unaware of any parish bulletins that announced the meetings.

Guess what? The DRE's and parish bureaucrats "voted" to keep the current age requirement.

Well, we shall see. The Archbishop does not have to pay any attention at all to the nebbishes which attended the meeting. Nor does he have to pay any attention at all to the parents who signed the petitions.

It would be interesting, however, to learn how the Catholic Herald defines "few."

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