Friday, February 17, 2006

KaffeeKlatschKlub Needs a Slap in the Chops

While Waukesha County taxpayers are organizing a petition drive to reduce its KaffeeKlatschKlub (County Board) membership to 9 members, the Board has its own plans to prevent that sort of citizen action.

They'll sacrifice two members and declare the job done!!

So says Patty (I Bring the Doughnuts) Haukohl, a Brookfield matron and Board member. Her remark? "Taxpayers? Screw them!! We ARE the County!" Louis XIV would have been proud of Haukohl and her King, James XVI of Menomonee Falls.

Wisconsin law restricts Board re-sizings; can't be done more than once every 10 years. So if the Board cuts off a couple of members, the petition drive will be moot. Of course, the Board would prefer to have members volunteer for this (perhaps by simply dying of old age), but jacking with the taxpayers is Agenda One these days for the Board.

Supervisor Patricia Haukohl of Brookfield, a member of the Executive Committee, said she might support moving to defuse the conflict by trimming just one or two supervisor seats.

"That is a possibility," she said, adding that such a strategy would "short-circuit this whole thing."

Depending on what action is taken Monday by the Executive Committee - which is headed by County Board Chairman James Dwyer - the issue could reach the full board as soon as Feb. 28.

Haukohl is Dwyer's stalking horse. Jim Dwyer KNOWS that the County Exec race was stolen by the right-wing-conspiracy, and wants to keep his comfortable seat next to the coffee urn, even if it's not in the office that he, personally, has earned through sitting on his ass in County Board meetings for, what?...half a century, or whatever.

Dwyer and Haukohl are well-advised to squelch this little move immediately. If you want to play that way, you can expect consequences which might not be pretty at all.

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