Saturday, January 07, 2006

STILL a Catholic!

Blosser's friend Greg Krehbiel swam the Tiber from Presbyterianism--but when he arrived on our side, he had some observations:

"I'm not one of those cheerleading Catholic converts. On the contrary, I often feel like a man who has spent many years on a difficult quest to join the Arthurian round table only to find a bunch of sissies in velvet playing Chutes and Ladders

...I miss the reverence and beauty of the Lutheran liturgy, the hymns, kneeling at the communion rail. I miss the sense of fellowship and community -- even simple things like hanging up your coat as if you intend to stay a while. I miss Sunday school after worship and the biblical literacy of most Protestants. Moreover, I'm just not terribly pleased with Catholicism. The mediocrity of the bishops is almost proverbial. The Bible "translation" read at Mass is atrocious. Typical Catholic music sounds like something from Barney and Friends. The Eucharist can seem like a fast-food assembly line, and the traditional style of a Catholic homily doesn't appeal to me, even when it's done well.

Well, it's fair to state that Krehbiel found the same Church we're in...

1 comment:

  1. Please find a way to rub off those better Lutheran traits on those around you now.

    In the Milwaukee area you might try St Josephat Basilica. Nice choir and conservative Franciscans and good organ, although I think the organist feels more at home on tho piano, which he does well. Many people travel far to escape their local parish for the Basilica.

    Arlington Va has some nice Priests and liturgy. Yes, it is that rare.

    Anyway, we are still making progress and recovering from Vatican II and 60's influence. Maybe it will take 10 more years yet, but I hope not 20.

    The sissies are dying off. God help us.

    Most of thumpity Lutheran hymns really come from the turn of the century, and although beloved, should perhaps be retired. I only say this because they hold no sentimentality for me. It's a personal taste of course.

    Regarding Priests and Bishops, these are often the best of whatever is available. Better is coming.

    My personal regular Sunday Mass choice is a chapel in an old age home staffed by nuns wearing habits who are from another country.

    Keep you eye on the prize, and help us along the way. As bad as the externals are, it is the only place to be. Suffering is required.

