Thursday, January 19, 2006

Senator Plale is RIGHT

Here's the ad running in the JSOnline--

To say that irony abounds is, perhaps, the understatement of the century.

The most avid baby-killing organization in the USA worries about concealed carry.

Good thing their abortionists don't conceal their vacuums and scalpels, eh?


  1. And I didn't even have to lean on Plale for his vote on this one, at least not yet. Guess another phone call to thank him for not being East Side Plale will be in order shortly.

  2. I forgot to mention that Plale is a rarity among Dems - a pro-lifer. I don't think that Planned Parenthood's tactics are going to be all that successful, but just in case, a thanks to him for voting for concealed carry is in order.
