Monday, January 02, 2006

Calvin & Hobbes on Relativism...and more

Some say that comics are just that. I doubt it.


  1. There hasn't been another strip as incisive and true since Watterson stopped drawing.

    I still miss Calvin & Hobbes.

    The best gift I got this Christmas was the complete collection. Every Calvin & Hobbes ever published.

    I highly recommend it.

  2. Nice.

    I think I'll be checking out Calvin and Hobbes in my next visit to Borders.

  3. Watt'sn also did a precis of Fides et Ratio in one 4-panel. Almost dropped my jaw.

    Ahem: my loving chilluns supplied me with the Collection as a birthday gift to go along with the .357Mag hand-cannon they also provided.

  4. Sounds like you and I both shouldn't go to "Munich."

  5. Was the .357 wrapped?

    And did they give you hollowpoints as a stocking stuffer?

    Sigh. No one ever gives me a gun as present.
