Monday, November 14, 2005

Church "Doomsday Document"--and Reaction

Well, here's ONE way to fix that nasty bunch in Rome:

Anticipating the Vatican pronouncement, some gay priests are discussing collectively staying away from pulpits on a Sunday to show how much the church relies on them. Other priests said they were considering revealing their sexual orientation to parishioners. Some are contemplating ``outing'' gay bishops who would be called upon to enforce the new guidelines.

(Via CWN.)

OK. We'll drive a bit further, Fathers. And when you "out" the Bishops--PLEASE make certain that it's in all the newspapers. We'll make reasoned judgments about those revelations (if they are a surprise...)

1 comment:

  1. Oooooh, I'm so scared. At least when the queer priests step away from the pulpit, we'll know where they all are, making the witch hunt much easier.
