Monday, October 24, 2005

ChurchLady Blues

Sykes is "no." Belling is "no." Powerline, Southern Appeal, Coulter--all "no."

But Fr. Richard Neuhaus, loyal to the end (we know not why,) thinks Miers ought to be a Supreme--or at least that George Will should not say such nasty things, or something.

Frankly, Father, to argue that conclusions which are right, although lacking rational foundation, are good things is, well, irrational. For then, conclusions which are WRONG, arrived at while bereft of the use of reason, are also "good things."

The predicate matters.

Nothing will destroy the Rule of Law faster than Law without Rules.


  1. Nothing will destroy the Rule of Law faster than Law without Rules.
    That's a very interesting comment. If we adhere to Law, without reason or direction, we end up being pretty much like the Pharisees and Saducees, don't we? We become so dedicated to the Law, that we forget why it's there in the first place.

  2. Fr. Neuhaus and others who are counting votes miss the whole educational and structural importance not only of the votes but the cases choses and the written decisions of the Supreme Court. A poorly written "good outcome" can cause more trouble than the temporary victory was worth.
