Monday, September 26, 2005

The RE-Purchase of Louisiana

Yeah--you!!! You're about to pay for it again, sucker!!

...President Bush and Congress have already approved $62.3 billion in spending for the Gulf Coast. But... the Louisiana delegation's $250 billion bill would cost more than the Louisiana Purchase under the Jefferson administration on an inflation-adjusted basis. Some critics...said the $40 billion Corps request could make the delegation look especially greedy....

Vitter and Landrieu have described their bill as a starting point for congressional deliberations....

The bill...would create a powerful "Pelican Commission" controlled [Louisiana residents] and ordered the commission to consider several controversial navigation projects that have nothing to do with flood protection. The Corps section of the Louisiana bill, which was supported by the entire state delegation, was based on recommendations from a "working group" dominated by lobbyists for ports, shipping firms, energy companies and other corporate interests.

The bill would exempt any Corps projects approved by the commission from provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act and the Clean Water Act.
It would also waive the usual Corps cost-sharing requirements, ensuring that federal taxpayers would pay every dime.

The...bill also includes $50 billion in open-ended grants for storm-ravaged communities... along with mortgage assistance, health care, substance abuse treatment and other services for hurricane victims. It also includes hefty payments to hospitals, ports, banks, shipbuilders, fishermen and schools....

Almost all the other members of the group [writing the bill] were lobbyists from firms such as Patton Boggs, Adams & Reese, the Alpine Group, Dutko Worldwide, Van Scoyoc Associates, and a firm owned by former senator J. Bennett Johnston (D-La.). There was a lobbyist for the Port of New Orleans, a lobbyist for Verizon, and three lobbyists who were former aides to House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Don Young (R-Alaska).

Actually, now that the opportunity has arisen--what if we sell N.O. back to the French? They can have the Wet-Panted Governorette as a Free Bonus Offer!!!! We keep the port facility--the French get N.O. (and Nagin, conveniently already having a French name.)

Reminder: call Don Young's office and tell him he's a slimy pig and a liar.


  1. Let’s make it a bundled offer, New Orleans and Manhattan. America waives our commission, pays all the taxes, but the French have to haul them both away.

  2. Ummmmnh, Random: a minor quibble.

    Let's give them Los Angeles instead of Manhattan. I like Central Park.
