Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Maroon of the Month/US Catholic-Style

Easily the dumbest remark I've seen for a while:

Discussing recent comments by Archbishop Edward O’Brien on the apostolic visitation of seminaries and on homosexuality among seminarians in particular, Fr. James Wehner says:

"He is being very general. I would not challenge what he said, but I think we need to be more specific. You can have an orientation and never engage in homosexual acts. And you can have some young man who has too much to drink and engages in perversions he never would otherwise. That doesn’t mean he’s gay,” Wehner said.

HT: Dom's site

Fr. Wehner is the Rector of the undergrad Seminary in Pittsburgh. Gives you confidence, eh?

1 comment:

  1. Did you call him an Archbishop? This is scary. Who let's these guys in? A TSA official?

    -BTW. TSA is another neoconservative agency created by Bush to slowly take over the world.
