Friday, July 22, 2005

From Showtime to the Theatre of the Absurd

Boy, Milwaukee is just lucky, right? First the NatlAssn of Pastoral Musicians (NAPALM to the intiated)--the "showtime" part of the title. Next, Call to Action, the "Absurd" part.

For those of you who are young 'uns, CTA was established back in the mid-1970's with the blessing of Cardinal Dearden of Detroit (making him a major suspect.) CTA has, over the years, opposed Roman Catholic teachings on almost any topic you care to name--but the underlying and always-foreground dissent was over Humanae Vitae, the document of Pope Paul VI firmly rejecting artificial birth control.

That's why so much of the CTA's activism has to do with confusion of gender roles--and, by the way, why CTA's membership is largely composed of gray-hairs, whether married or not. (A noticeable percentage are nuns and priests, or apostate-priests.)

Under an agreement executed by Rembert Weakland, OSB, disgraced former Archbishop of Milwaukee, CTA is here, rather than in Chicago--Cardinal George made it clear that he would not allow them to darken Chicago's doorstep again.

Program highlights: (you can't wait, can you?)

Richard McBrien, (he only wears a Roman collar to mock his Ordination) who will speak with no authority whatsoever on the reign (to date) of Benedict XVI. Since his opinion has already been published in the "Catholic" Herald of this Archdiocese, here's a sneak preview: "YECH!! It's AWFUL!!!"

Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz, perhaps still a nun, but "born a feminist" in 1975--(?) This birthdate is in violent conflict with her appearance in the mug-shot provided--notwithstanding, we proceed: her work "against sexism in the Church" is reflected in the title of her address: "The Kin-dom of God." (Kings are male, get it? That Christ the King stuff is very, very, very passe.."

Miscellaneous Other Wackos (MOW's): Matthew Fox, (defrocked witchcraft-type,) Edwina Gately, Daniel Helminiak (defrocked after he found that the Bible does NOT condemn homosexual activity.)

The Conference's self-description:

Our theme for this conference is “Religion, Money and Politics: What’s God Got To Do With It?” The division between fundamentalists and progressives within Catholicism is a pattern that is present in most Christian denominations today and is present as well within other religious traditions throughout the world. In recent years we are seeing these differing religious perspectives becoming part of the political debate, particularly on “social” issues. In the last presidential election, Catholic bishops went so far as to suggest it was morally wrong for Catholics to vote for certain candidates based on their views on particular “social” issues. (The NERVE of those Bishops!)

And the Grand Highlight of the Absurd Theatre's Weekend?

Award to Charles E. Curran, theologian and prophet!!!!!!

Mr. (Fr.?) whatever... Curran used to have a position at Catholic University of America, until "[in] 1986 he was stripped of his license to teach theology because of his writings on 'marriage, abortion, euthanasia, masturbation, contraception, premarital intercourse and homosexual acts.'"

Of note here is that Tricky Dick McBrien (see above) will be the presenter--after all, they were both President of the Catholic Theological Society of America--a position which now looks a bit dubious, no?

CTA is also begging, openly, on its "announcement" site for new "diverse" members and for youth. Hmmmmm.


  1. Don't waste your time fighting the "dissenters." They are not going to change there ways. They are going to die out. They are not the future. Fidelity is the future. Overcome evil with good!

  2. A "Good" bonfire comes to mind...
