Monday, June 13, 2005

Dead-On--And Not Even On-Topic

Here's an interesting quotation:

Clinton's preoccupation with how historians would regard him was, ironically, part of the self-obsession that kept him from attempting great acts. Political leadership requires taking risks and decisive actions, which, in turn, requires a commitment to convictions and principles that trump short-term considerations and make the risks worthwhile. Because Clinton's presidency was about him, he couldn't transcend the day-to-day, or put himself or his presidency on the line for any larger purpose. Because, in short, he was self-involved enough to talk constantly about his legacy, he was never capable of forging a positive one. (Rich Lowry's Legacy: Paying The Price For The Clinton Years:) via Tom McMahon's blog.

Anyone familiar with Cdl Ratzinger's works on the liturgy recalls his succint and devastating attacks on "horizontal liturgy."

Think Rich Lowry reads Ratzinger??

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