Monday, May 16, 2005

The OTHER Marquette

Down the street from the University-with-No-Name is Marquette High, in a building given by the Johnston Cookie family. Marquette High is Jesuit-run, and is an all-boys institution.

They are called the Hilltoppers. There's never really been a dispute about that, at least in recent history. Marquette High (MUHS) alumni litter the hallways of Federal and State courts as judges and lawyers, practice medicine, serve in the Milwaukee Police Department, and generally are regarded as well-educated. Several of its graduates are relatives of mine, and I, too, hold one of their diplomas.

Now they'll have something else to be known for.

Some of the students are discussing the possibility of a "Gay Pride Homeroom" at MUHS.

About 20 years ago I looked the possibility of sending my boys there. Rather than make inquiries about their theology program and how that comports with Roman Catholic teachings (I sort of knew that it wouldn't, really...) I simply attended one of the Masses held for the students during the class day.

That was the end of my interest. Frankly, if the priest cannot read the missal as it is written, it's my experience that little else will comport with the Church's mind and teachings.

The "Gay Pride Homeroom" concept is the logical extension of this non-conformism. The only question is why it took so long.


  1. "Frankly, if the priest cannot read the missal as it is written, it's my experience that little else will comport with the Church's mind and teachings."

    You've said it all, Dad.

  2. You sound like an ignorant freak, sir. If the "Church" told you to slaughter your wife for wearing a blue scarf, you would probably do it. I hope for their sake that you have no gay children. It is hard enough to come out, but with a Dad like you, it must be virtually impossible without the most amazing nerve -- more nerve than the blind followers like you can even imagine.
