Monday, May 13, 2024

Gas Stoves, A/C, and Now? COOKING!!!

 Your Government Bureaucrats have declared that gas stoves are a danger to mankind.......because.  Also air conditioning, as it requires energy and that's bad .......because.

Now, Your Government Bureaucrats have declared COOKING to be a danger to mankind, too.

...If there’s one thing the researchers at NOAA’s Chemical Sciences Laboratory (CSL) have learned in their multi-year deep dive investigation into the unrecognized and underappreciated sources of urban air pollution, it’s this: If you can smell it, there’s a good chance it’s impacting air quality. ...

...‘What we’re  looking at from cooking are primarily oxygenated VOCs, or volatile organic compounds,’ said Matt Coggon, a research chemist at CSL and lead author of the study. ‘These are quite reactive in the air, so we expect they’ll be important for air quality.’...

...Coggon and his team of researchers determined that on average, 21% of the total mass of human-caused VOCs present in Las Vegas’ outdoor air were from cooking activities. Depending on the time of day, cooking VOCs ranged from from 10% to 30% of the total....

Yah, well.  Raw meat, eggs, and veggies were the diet of your forebears, 10,000 (or whatever) years ago, so obviously you can do this too.

Or you could simply capture, field-dress, and cook Government Bureaucrats.

Hmmmmm.  This will take some thought.

1 comment:

  1. Government Bureaucrats?


    A buzzard would taste better
