Tuesday, May 14, 2024

FrannyBlather on "Climate Change"

As it turns out there are a lot of areas in which Pp. Franny1 is a nincompoop, like liturgy, homosexual conduct, the death penalty, and--most obvious--the "climate."

And for good measure, he hates the US.

Here he is, spewing un-informed propaganda about "climate change":

....the pontiff wrote that he has “heartfelt concerns” for “our suffering planet,” contending that “the world in which we live is collapsing” because of humanity’s failure to adequately address the crisis.

It is “indubitable” that the impact of climate change will increasingly prejudice the lives and families of many persons, he contends, adding that its effects are already felt in the areas of “healthcare, sources of employment, access to resources, housing, forced migrations, etc.”...

All of that is based on the outright lie that 'climate change' is real, as opposed to faked with highly-managed temperature readings--which it is.  

But FrannyIgnorance is what we're stuck with.  Serious Catholics don't pay attention to him; instead, they hold fast to what is good.  That works best in the long run.


  1. There you go

    Yesterday thought you were starting to warm to him….

    Smelled the coffee you did!

  2. Franny is NOT Pope! Never has been!

  3. Franny would excommunicate this guy: Refreshing to listen to common sense

    Harrison Butker | Commencement Address 2024 | Benedictine College

