Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Francis Collins, Liar (Surprise!!)

Since he was not under oath when he repeatedly lied, he's not a perjurer like Fauci.

Anthony Fauci's former boss admitted to Congress that the Covid lab leak theory was credible - despite previously calling it a 'very destructive conspiracy'.

Dr Francis Collins, former head of the National Institutes of Health, testified in a closed-door session with the House coronavirus subcommittee on Friday about his role during America's pandemic response.

Dr Collins was involved in suppressing the theory that Covid likely escaped from a Chinese biolab, a theory which implicated the sprawling agency he headed up. It was previously revealed that the NIH oversaw grants funding risky 'gain of function' research to make viruses more transmissible and/or deadly...

This is truly a shock.  He was a high-up Federal official.  He plays the guitar and sings!  His name is Francis.  Not Frank, or Fran--but Francis.  And he's a Collins.

It is un-possible that with those creds, he could be a liar.

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