Thursday, January 25, 2024

FBI's Illegal Search in CA

The question is not whether the FBI committed a totally illegal search.

The FBI overstepped its constitutional authority when agents searched hundreds of safe deposit boxes without warrants in 2021, a federal appeals court ruled. The court compared the FBI’s tactics to the kind of indiscriminate searches that led to the enactment of the Bill of Rights in the first place....

...The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously reversed the lower court’s decision on Tuesday. The court ruled that the FBI exceeded the bounds of a warrant obtained prior to the raid, which explicitly did not authorize any “criminal search or seizure” of the boxes’ actual contents.

The FBI’s warrant application omitted key details of the raid plan, including that the special agent in charge had directed agents to open every box, preserve fingerprint evidence, inventory the contents, and have drug dogs sniff all cash....

The question is NOT whether the FBI committed a totally illegal and unconstitutional search.

The question is how many times they've done it before.

1 comment:

  1. Will anyone lose their job or go to prison?
