Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Ace's Advice to Parents

The Ace of Spades notes that an "egregious" child-porn distributor has been arrested.  He was a Big Deal in Lefty circles, a senior editor of something called The Recount.

Seems that the guy also went to at least one grade school and told the 4th-graders that he was gay.

This leads to Ace's Advice for the Day:

Let us all yell it out so that the cheap seats can hear it: Adults who want to have "little rap sessions" with children about sex are groomers at best and potential child rapists.

Parents do not like talking with their own kids about sex. When a f%%king 38-year-old STRANGER shows up to a fourth grade class to volunteer details of his Sexual Journeying, call the f%%king police.

That is all.

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