Thursday, October 20, 2022

How Cray-Cray IS the Biden Government?

Mr. Wauck is concerned.  He summarizes nicely what millions of other Americans (real ones, not D.C. wonks) actually think:

...Americans are so bummed by the domestic situation that few are actually following foreign policy matters. So few, in fact, that even an establishment animal like Kevin McCarthy is openly stating that Republicans will be closely questioning any further “aid” to Ukraine. Kevin obviously has no concern at all that public statements like that will get in the way of him grabbing the Speaker’s gavel. In fact, he has good reason to believe that revealing this policy switch now will be an advantage for GOP candidates. Tulsi entering the campaign on the GOP side, on exactly that issue, is another indicator.

That should be a clue that insiders know—oh, yes, they know—how badly our war on Russia is going. They see Russia gearing up for something big, and they know we’re at the end of our tether for practical purposes. The flow of weaponry to Ukraine is slowing simply because we’re running out of things to send. Our insiders know just how bad Ukrainian casualties and equipment loss has been.

That still hasn’t got through to our elite war mongering Neocons, who still have their hands on the levers of power. Not content with declaring war on Russia, they have now declared war on China. And Turkey and Saudi Arabia are now being openly threatened by these crazies, while the WEF—seemingly oblivious to the unfolding chaos in Europe—is engaging in regime change in the UK, probably in Italy, and is also threatening Poland and Hungary. NATO is likely to come apart at the seams, and our network of alliances is unraveling around much of the world. Here’s a clue in that regard: Israel recently refused to even speak with the Ukrainian defense minister. For Israel, living in a rough neighborhood, being on the winning side of this conflict is close to an existential issue. Even if this isn’t an open bet against the US, it’s certainly a hedge. The Israelis also know how bad the war on Russia is going and they also see Russia using diplomacy to peel former US “allies” away from the US. Israel can’t afford to be isolated....

Prying their cold, deracinated hands from power is an imperative.  McCarthy is--at best--a weak tool, and really should not be the next Speaker.  Jordan, or Chip Roy.  But no; the Pubbies, nationally, are a continuing disappointment.  At least we don't waste any money on them.

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