Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Party's Over in Madistan

This took far too long to happen.

The new Capitol police chief is poised to get tough on a handful of disruptive protesters under the rotunda and enforce more controversial permitting rules for the rest, raising the possibility of a lawsuit from civil liberties groups.

Just a month into his tenure, Capitol Police Chief Dave Erwin is installing panic buttons in some lawmakers' offices, changing the look of his officers' uniforms and raising some eyebrows with a suggestion to female legislative aides that they be prepared to hit demonstrators if they feel threatened and cornered.

For a year and a half, demonstrators have gathered daily at the Statehouse to protest Gov. Scott Walker's agenda, but Erwin said that soon they will no longer be allowed to scream at, curse at or intimidate other people in the building. When civil tickets are issued to them, he said, the Department of Justice will handle the cases rather than Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne

Protesting is one thing.  Being an obnoxious P.O.S. is another thing entirely.  Screw 'em.


  1. "Erwin recently met with legislative aides who were feeling threatened or intimidated by protesters who have come into the aides' offices to berate them and have followed them to their cars. He suggested they try filming a demonstrator and, if that didn't work, punching the person with their free hand."

    So Dad29 is supporting a man who says if Person X SAYS something "mean" or "bad" to Person Y, or if Person Y FEELS that they are being harassed by Person X, then Person Y should use physical force in retaliation. Un-freaking-believable. It's called walking away and being the "adult". Unless there was a PHYSICAL ACT conducted by Person Y against Person X, Person Y's response to retaliate just because they were subjected to verbal taunts is unjustified. And childish.

    Erwin is dead wrong.

    "Protesting is one thing. Being an obnoxious P.O.S. is another thing entirely."

    And, apparently, Dad29 only supports the First Amendment if the "right" people are exercising that freedom in the "appropriate" manner. Too freaking bad! Protest can be loud, it can be in your face, it can be obnoxious.

  2. it can be obnoxious.

    You gonna cry to Mommy when you get slapped up being an obnoxious POS?

    Just like you did above?

  3. Free speech is fine. Getting 'in my face', BIG mistake. You instantly go from someone I would talk with to a threat to be taken down, figuratively speaking..

  4. The "Solidarity Singers" are to music as the Prius is to Formula One racing.

  5. Saint Revolution8/29/2012 8:28 AM

    Sometimes, just sometimes, when all else fails, the only final alternative is a 2x4 upside the head.

    Understand, Annie?



  6. "You gonna cry to Mommy when you get slapped up being an obnoxious POS? "Just like you did above?"

    Hey, Dad29, YOU wrote a sniveling, whiny blog post about people "feeling" threatened. Not tough enough to handle constructive criticism? Boo, hoo, hoo. Sniffle.

    Thomas Paine would respond to your "concern"-- I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.

    St. Revolution--"Sometimes, just sometimes, when all else fails, the only final alternative is a 2x4 upside the head."

    Says the alleged Christian alpha male.

  7. It looks as though Dad29 quoted the Capitol police chief.

    Dad's feelings have nothing to do with it.

  8. The quotation lends support to the position of Dad29, Anony 6:37 p.m. Moreover, had you carefully read the combox, Dad29's feelings are abundantly clear and have EVERYTHING to do with it. Read for meaning!

  9. The veneer of compassion the Left puts on is nothing but a mask designed to hide their Nihilism, which is self-hate directed outward.

    The shoe fits Anony Rage-Machine of last night, who still doesn't like being told that he's going to bed without supper for being a brat.

  10. So, being a brat to Dad29 means exercising one's constitutional right to vocally express their political opinion in a capitol building, one that was erected with taxpayer dollars.

    Here's a nook, Dad29, for your temper tantrum.

    The adults in the room learned in third grade that if a person verbally harassing them, they should ignore them. One could even argue that MLK's philosophy is the appropriate response. Pope Benedict would agree...

    "Faced with a world driven by conflict, where sometime violence is justified in the name of God, it is important to reiterate that religions can never become vehicles of hatred, that never by invoking the name of God can evil and violence be justified."

    Yeah, makes perfect Christian sense. Say mean things to someone, expect to get punched in the face.

  11. Non-violence is nice. Disciplining brats is a requirement for a civil society.

    Your B-16 quotation is completely irrelevant to the question, of course, but you had to find SOMEthing from him....

  12. Saint Revolution8/30/2012 10:51 AM

    TO: AnnDisLogic 8/29/2012 6:15 PM:

    "...will pursue his principles unto death...":

    ...and what kind of "death" do you think Paine was writing about? Are you so absurdly ignorant to believe Paine implied such death as non-violent in the middle of a fight for the life of freedom(s)?!?!

    Annie...you are always your own worst enemy...even with all your bullshit liberal sources and your cockeyed twist ON them.

    This is why I NEVER respond to your pretzel logic references to your sources, such as with Corsi, et. al. I don't have enough time in my day to point out your infinite misinterpretations to satisfy your completely bullshit liberalocratic idealogue...where 1 + 1 = Tx#8K. That's about as much sense as you stinking liberal shitheads make.

    ...and we can play this game ad nauseum:

    What about Patrick Henry?:
    "...shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing. We have held the subject up in every light of which it is capable; but it has been all in vain. Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication? What terms shall we find which have not been already exhausted? Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves. Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest... Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne! IN VAIN, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope....we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! ...The war is inevitable--and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come. ....It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun!...".

    Again, we can play this game ad nauseum.

    Your bleeding heart massively overpaid corrupt thief enemies of the TRUE state are going to get what they ask for if they ask for it. It's that simple.

    "...says the alleged Christian alpha male....":

    You're damn right. But don't hand me your evangelical Christian label hypocrisy crap. This Traditional Tridentine Catholic Alpha Male Soldier Of The Army Of Saint Michael The ArchAngel will offer it up and build Crucifixes with the leftover 2x4s.

    Enough is enough...now even in the eyes of God.

    You stinking liberal bastards better come to terms with that because you're gonna get what you deserve.

  13. Dad29--"Disciplining brats is a requirement for a civil society."

    Except the protestors aren't brats, they're Americans exercising their First Amendment rights, albeit in a slightly nasty tone. Patrick Henry would be proud.

    Dad29--"Your B-16 quotation is completely irrelevant to the question..."

    Exactly what I expected. Let's spell it out for you...the Pope is against unfettered violence directed toward someone who says something that is unpleasant or downright mean. COMPLETELY relevant to cite B-16 to refute Erwin's suggestion, and your support of such action. That will cost you 10 Hail Marys on Sunday for disregarding the advice of the head of the RCC.

    St. Revolution--"...even with all your bullshit liberal sources and your cockeyed twist ON them."

    Obviously it's upon YOU to refute the evidence, NOT the source itself. Blogging takes work. Cite your sources.

    "This is why I NEVER respond to your pretzel logic references to your sources, such as with Corsi..."


    Here are conservatives who also lambaste your idol...



    "You stinking liberal bastards better come to terms with that because you're gonna get what you deserve."

    God doesn't like your tone. Repent, sinner!

  14. Patrick Henry didn't pick on girls or women.

    He understood 'honor', in its full definition.

    The crybabies---well, they're different.

    B-16 was pretty clear about "religious" strife, even though you can't read for meaning; and this isn't 'religious.' It's called 'civility.'

    Your Mommy wouldn't be happy. Go upstairs to the kitchen and ask her.

  15. "Patrick Henry didn't pick on girls or women."

    No, he just sought to prohibit females from full participation in our political or economic system because they were intellectually inferior!

    "It's called civility"

    followed by...

    "Your Mommy wouldn't be happy. Go upstairs to the kitchen and ask her."

    Care to practice what you preach regarding civility? Oh, the hypocrisy.

    "B-16 was pretty clear about "religious" strife, even though you can't read for meaning..."

    True, he was referring to religious strife, but the LARGER, MORE IMPORTANT message is that a Christian refrains from employing violence in their daily life.

    B16 affirms the obligation of love thy neighbor, the conviction that TRUE FAITH NEVER can be used to justify violence.

    Are you, Dad29, suggesting that B16 would support Person X hitting Person Y with a 2x4 because Person Y was "uncivil"?

    Best take remedial Bible Study 101.

  16. Actually, he implied nothing of the sort; TA was very clear about 'just wars.'

    And either you admire P Henry, or you don't. Make up your (alleged) mind, bozo.

  17. "Actually, he implied nothing of the sort; TA was very clear about 'just wars.'"

    Dad29, one can reasonably extrapolate B-16's meaning from the quotation...a Christian refrains from employing violence in their daily life. That is the REAL message here. I know, I know, it pains you to admit that fact to an anony.

    Again, are you suggesting the pope would support Person X hitting Person Y with a 2x4 because Person Y was "uncivil"?

    "And either you admire P Henry, or you don't."

    One can admire the traits of a person in one area of his/her life, while also criticizing other aspects. It's called being human. Try it sometime.

  18. So it's "Christian" to scream in the face of capitol staff, especially the women, and "not Christian" to ..........arrest such actors? Or to defend oneself?


  19. Another fight broke out late on Thursday when two men started shouting “Tingles” at Chris Matthews while he was on air. An MSNBC producer started shoving the men.

    Maybe the producer's an atheist, eh? CERTAINLY isn't a "Christian."

    For the record, I would have done exactly as that producer did. The delegates were acting like jerks and needed a dose of civility. They got their dose, administered by a shove.

    (Source: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/08/unhinged-crank-chris-matthews-gets-into-heated-exchange-with-gop-delegates/)

  20. "So it's "Christian" to scream in the face of capitol staff, especially the women, "and "not Christian" to ..........arrest such actors? Or to defend oneself?"

    It's NOT Christian to purposely and repeatedly make rude comments, use obscenities, or call for someone's suicide. It's not Christian to desire or seek retaliation with a push or a shove or advocate with a 2x4 when those remarks are directed toward you. What is so hard for you to understand about civility and Christianity?

    Arrest the perpetrator for disturbing the peace? Arbitrary decision made by cops, but one well within their purview.

    Defend oneself? When someone directs an obscene comment to you in public, walk away, again, that's the Christian response, or at least so I was told.

    Engage in a shouting match, then use physical force...B12 would NOT approve. Do you disagree with the Pope?

    "For the record, I would have done exactly as that producer did. The delegates were acting like jerks and needed a dose of civility. They got their dose, administered by a shove."

    So, are you saying a "dose of civility" requires retaliatory action--a shove in this case--anytime someone says something offensive to you? B16 affirms the obligation of love thy neighbor, the conviction that TRUE FAITH NEVER can be used to justify violence...EVER!

  21. Saint Revolution9/01/2012 10:46 AM

    TO: Ann:

    "...the war is inevitable--and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come..."

    2x4s come in all hat sizes, Ann.

    Don't forget, now.

  22. "2x4s come in all hat sizes, Ann."

    Yep, with your bludgeoning of the truth via Corsi, a BANGSTER, a supporter of WHITE SUPREMACISTS, a PLAGIARIST.

  23. with your bludgeoning of the truth via Corsi, a BANGSTER, a supporter of WHITE SUPREMACISTS, a PLAGIARIST.


    One can admire the traits of a person in one area of his/her life, while also criticizing other aspects. It's called being human. Try it sometime


  24. Dad29, the difference here is that St. Revolution has NEVER criticized Corsi. He has OUTRIGHT REFUSED to admit his faults and sins despite clear cut evidence. St. Revolution has put him on a pedestal. Corsi is his God.

    Besides, are you sure you want to defend one of your contributors to this here blog who admires someone is a BANGSTER, a supported of WHITE SUPREMACISTs, and PLAGIARIST? Seriously, Dad29? Is that the company you want to keep?

    B16 would NOT approve! Thank God its Sunday...

  25. Just thought I'd juxtapose your thoughts. You are the Sensitive One, after all.

    Are you certain that B-16 would "not approve"? And what does Sunday have to do with it?

    Speaking of that, didja like today's Gospel?

  26. "Speaking of that, didja like today's Gospel?"

    Yep, the priest referenced how B-16 insisted that It's NOT Christian to purposely and repeatedly make rude comments, use obscenities, or call for someone's suicide. It's NOT Christian to desire or seek retaliation with a push or a shove or advocate with a 2x4 when those remarks are directed toward you.

    What is so hard for you to understand about civility and Christianity?
