Saturday, July 30, 2011

A New Shirley Abrahamson!

Seems that some County in NC opens its board meetings with an invocation.

No longer, if they County pays attention to the Blackrobes.

...Given that 95 percent of local religious houses identify as Christian, it’s not surprising that many of the invocations include specifically Christian language, often closing the prayer in the name of “Jesus Christ” or “Jesus.”

Two non-Christians from the community with a population of approximately 350,000 sued, arguing that an invocation mentioning Jesus Christ during a public prayer violates the Establishment Clause of the Constitution.

Even though the pair acknowledged that the Supreme Court held public prayers—called “legislative prayers”—are constitutional in the 1983 case Marsh v. Chambers, the federal district court in North Carolina sided with the protestors.

In a stunning decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit affirmed that judgment in a 2-to-1 decision, holding in the case Joyner v. Forsyth County that prayers unconstitutionally advance Christianity if references to Jesus are more than isolated, or if the content is otherwise too Christian for the court’s taste.

Precisely the "Mommy, May I?" approach to "judicial restraint" practiced by Screechin'Shirley in the CCW cases (before CCW became law).

Give 'em black robes and they get silly. Or stupid. Or both.

HT: Zippers


  1. I believe I need to go to the courthouse and pray for the judges. All of them. That they might receive the wisdom to recognize the "tyranny of the minority" and put a stop to this kind of foolishness. I ask this only in the power of and for the glory of Jesus name. Amen.

  2. What's wrong with not praying before government meetings, and leaving you to your own devices when you aren't working for the public?

  3. Because you, like the rest of the left, John, have no idea what the Establishment Clause is/isn't about and are too dense to realize the First Amendment defends public expression of religion, regardless of office.

    Funny how the left always likes to rally about the "separation of church and state" -- despite the fact none of these words appear in the Constitution, but suddenly seem illiterate when it comes to the words "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

    "Free exercise" includes any, and everything, including working for the public.

  4. So which of these gods do we get to put in these prayers?

  5. And that is the beauty of that "free exercise" thingy.

    Interesting that only Christianity and Judaism are singled out for special "establishment" treatment. With Atheism being a religion, one would think it would be part of that fictitious "separation of church and state". But surprisingly, it isn't.

  6. So which of these gods do we get to put in these prayers?

    Stupid, nonsensical question.

    Majority of the area is Christian, so it makes sense CHRISTIAN prayers would be said.

    Can't believe this simple, basic logic is beyond the grasp of liberals.

    With Atheism being a religion, one would think it would be part of that fictitious "separation of church and state". But surprisingly, it isn't.

    Yes, atheism is a religion with its own set of beliefs and deities (the self, the state). Funny how those who follow atheism are allowed to establish IT as the official religion of the US.

    As for the separation of church and state, also notice how the church must always be separated from the state, but the state can meddle with churches as it sees fit (see regulations on charitable activity, or the gay marriage issue that quashes religious freedom).

  7. Come now. With something as important as religion, you think that "majority rules"? You want to hold an election to see which god wins? Or you're just running on gut feel about whether someone's a believer or not, or which variant of prayer they'd prefer? Many First Amendment battles are fought between religious groups, because they don't like their variation being oppressed.

    Atheism is a religion? Har! It means someone doesn't believe in any gods. Everything else you are projecting and supposing.
