Saturday, April 18, 2009

Turning Up the Heat in Ireland

At some point, "politeness" is useless. So you dial it up a bit...

When a British professor of medical ethics was slated to speak at Cork University Hospital (CUH) in Ireland advocating legalising euthanasia, including "involuntary euthanasia," he did not expect to be met with an angry group of Irish patriots determined to see him off in the name of their nation's constitution

The lecture hall was filled with protesters who shouted down Doyal until the lecture was called off. A number of protesters, including priests and students from the pro-life action group Youth Defense, accused Doyal of advocating death for helpless ill, elderly and disabled people

"Involuntary euthanasia", eh?

It is worth remembering the philosophical principle that "Error has no rights." That covers such abominations as advocating murder. Application of the principle is a bit more nuanced. Fortunately, the Irish are not inclined to let 'politeness' overcome appropriate direct action.


  1. Seems to me that Peter Singer supports the same, or nearly the same ideas. He's all for Euthanasia.

  2. I'm going to play Devil's Advocate a little here. Just how is this different from the thugs who shut down Tom Tancredo's speech at the University of North Carolina last week?

  3. There's no difference in technique, of course.

    The "difference" has to do with WHAT is suppressed.

    Error has no rights.

    I'm not entirely sold on Tancredo's line, by the way, but I do think that it's a matter of policy which can be discussed.

    The Irish matter centers on a non-negotiable moral issue.

    Big difference.
